Soft Maria

This week I was to a restaurant awardee for its exempted chef of kitchen, and what I have to tell curiously it is the experience with the soft Maria! It is this same: water, gelatin, sugar and ralado coconut! As I waited an excellency in any choice mine, I was not surprised to the well taken care of being, and to eat accurately what he imagined! However, in the hour of the dessert I limited myself to ask for a short coffee, strong and encorpado. Everything in agreement. However, together with the coffee, in saucers same – my surprise was for if disclosing – had genuine, small, delicious and unexpected soft Maria. The texture, the color and its flavor and aroma had sent to me in one to blink of eyes to the kitchen of my Alayde grandmother who made me as many times said would iguaria caretaker with as much love! Nothing for it was difficult. All descomplicado age and as same it if related ' ' I make in one instantinho.' ' Therefore he is, a so only, simple and unpretentious moment in one insight of pure attention mine, made of that pleasant lunch, optimum moment of that day. It was a peak of good saudosismo, in one instant without aspirations, but it made that me to dive in me to the meeting of flashes close acolhedores and! In the too much days, I perceived that each day of people they have moments as this of the soft Maria, and that many times overwhelmingly pass unobserved together with the running of the day! Attention is always a good tip! Desire many perceptions to all vocs because to feel, ah to feel it does not have borders! Ana ' ' The life is very short to be pequena.' ' Benjamin Disraeli

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