Tag Archives: personal development


To be born in a body of meat through the water all they are born. The important one, however, is to be born of the water and the Spirit for widening of the Life Spiritual. JESUS, beyond being born of … Continue reading

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Conscription And Election

The companies and the collaborators are engaged in a continuous process of attraction, that is, the individuals search to enter the companies with objective of professional development, either it for auto-sustenance search or personal satisfaction, while the companies search individuals … Continue reading

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TPM Optimum

The women, in general way, are perfeccionistas, emotivas, loving, intelligent beings and a little distrustful. When they are in the TPM can be still aggressive, sentimental and irrationals. Now, when women ' ' normais' ' they are raised (or moved) … Continue reading

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Soft Maria

This week I was to a restaurant awardee for its exempted chef of kitchen, and what I have to tell curiously it is the experience with the soft Maria! It is this same: water, gelatin, sugar and ralado coconut! As … Continue reading

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