Southeast Allies

Emperor Hiroto, placed its vision in direction to the French and British colonies in the Southeast of Asia, however, the North American government embargoed the supply suppliments and fuel, infuriating the emperor who answered in day 7 of December, with an attack surprise the North American base in the Hava, Pearl Harbor. Then the president of U.S.A., Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared war against Japan, yielding to the apelos of the British first-minister Winston Churchill, initiating a great coalition with the Allies. What it brought victories and bloody combats as in Egypt hindering the conquest it the Suez Canal, in Stalingrado taking force for reconquers, and in Kursk with the advance of the red Army to arrive Berlin in 1943. In 4 of June of 1944 the Allies take Rome, making with that Italy asked for surrender. The activities of espionage and counterespionage initiated for the Allies three years before putting in practical a release plan of France with a huge landing, that would go to reach the victory on the forces of Hitler in the front Occidental person of the War. It is come close hour of our bigger persistence and action, this will be one day of interminable and bloody battle, marches with courageous allies who count on us, as we count on them. In air, in the sea and the land and when the signal will be given the group of the avenging nations will go to launch itself on the enemy. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Force Allied Member of an expedition for the Overlord Operation.

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