Professional Association

In a process of improvement, based on the success, is the proper establishment of a good quality policy, which can accurately define expected by workers in an organization; as well as the products or services that are provided to users of the same. This policy requires the commitment of all members of the organization. To make effective the implementation of this policy, it is necessary that the members of the teams, have the knowledge required to meet the demands of customers or users of the services, and thus able to achieve offer them excellence in service, that can meet or exceed expectations. The transformation of the areas of work that develops Social work, together with the expansion of their fields of action, have caused countless problems and difficulties to which give solution. Little by little, each time more, the term Total quality is widely used in this type of organizations, ranging from maintaining a static attitude of maintaining the status quo, to a more open, expansive, proactive approach. The advantage of an organization committed to quality, it would be its ability, resources, knowledge and attributes, etc., that make it possible to offer a service tailored to the needs of the demanding user of the service. This entails a continuous orientation towards the environment and a strategic attitude by social workers, and in general of any member of the teams professional. On the other hand, the concept of success makes us think about the idea excellence, i.e., with characteristics of efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. The quality of processes is measured by the degree of adequacy of these to achieve the satisfaction of internal customers (e.g.: members of teams professionals) or external (e.g.: users of different) services), and to achieve quality objectives, the following steps shall be conducted:-choose what control. -Determine the units of measurement and evaluation. -Establish the system of measurement and evaluation. -Establish standards of results. -Measure the current results. -Interpret the difference between the real thing and as intended. -Design and implement actions on the difference. Translate the requirements of the users in the appropriate professional requirements for each stage of the development of the intervention of the social worker, is a complex reality, that in the practice of Social work, need expressed by the user and real need, are not always matching concepts, making it difficult to design the activities necessary to translate the user’s voice in the characteristics of the product, or final professional intervention. In addition to covering a particular need, must meet the expectations of users, meet specifications, standards and with applicable legal requirements. However to overcome these difficulties, we define the following principles, in which the Social worker is a key piece:-a quality organization must learn to listen to their customers and help them identify and articulate their needs. -An organization of quality designs interventions that provide benefits to the user. -The services that satisfy the customer, come from well planned and continually evaluated systems. -In a quality organization, vision, values, systems and processes must be consistent and complementary to each other. -All in a quality organization: social workers, psychologists, doctors, educators, supervisors and other workers must work in concert. -Teamwork in an organization of quality must be committed to continuous improvement and the user. -A quality organization each must know perfectly their job and their functions. -Organization of quality uses the scientific method to plan the work, solve problems, make decisions and achieve the improvement.

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