The Illusion

In other words, it seems, that some people feel alive, when you put your attention on another person. And it doesn’t matter if this causes pain or suffering. These people are so accustomed to pain, you feel only alive, when they suffer. Be in love and be reciprocated can be a wonderful experience. Love, when it is mutual is something that leads us to be better people. Good love, make you’re increasingly what potentially you are, but you’ve not noticed you. If you liked painting, suddenly the muses are awakened.

They are presented to the musician exalted melodies. Or, simply, you do that which you do not atrevias to do. You’re happy, you touch the sky with your hands. You know you accompanied by the world. Good love, makes the other better. That manages to finish this race that had left unfinished. Good love is quiet and subtly stimulating. Boring it is to some people.

And inadvertently, seem to miss the mal de amores. They fall in love with unattainable people. Or distant. Or confusing. Fall for arriving which leave them 2 hours waiting under the rain and cold (they decide, subconsciously, an intolerable delay) is unrequited love, which in the intensity of the pain and uncertainty, gives these people the illusion of being more deeply alive, when one goes in this case, running towards his own daily death. Because each day of life We lose in unacceptable sufferings, is a day that we have lost to enjoy ephemeral life. Sometimes, the cause of attention sunset on the other hand, has to do with an escape of if same. A way of not thinking about certain things that cause us much anguish. Better is to suffer for something that is outside, which face our inner world, if this is full of sufferings and frustrations. Or if we have lived many traumatic situations and do not want to think about them. Each case is a world. And there to discover that it is leading to each person, to this symptom, which is the recurrence of painful love. It is well, to discover what lies in the unconscious, thinking along with the therapist, through the method created by Freud called Association of ideas have a way of knowing, which are the causes of the symptoms afflicting us. Because each symptom has multiple causes unconscious. I propose a therapy to get out of this situation that distress you do not agree with Lacan. He says that there is enjoyment in suffering. I do not thing I think so. I believe that anyone can like you live within a daily hell. We have to identify which is the cause of these repeating patterns that take you to the suffering. It is not easy but I want to accompany you on your way out little by little, original author and source of the article can achieve it.

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