Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef and Chukotka affected by oil spills unique and the world's largest integrated ecosystem – the Great Barrier Reef – is going through hard times. This single living 'organism', home to some 400 species of coral, 1500 species of fish and a variety of other animals and plants on the verge of extinction due to excessive shipping, global warming and pollution of the oceans. Last week, Chinese bulker 'Shen Neng-1 'crashed into a reef Douglas Shoals in the field, limited to shipping because of the protection of the world's largest coral reef, made to the UNESCO World Heritage List. About 2 tons of fuel of 950 tonnes of stock on board fell into the water through hole in the engine room flooded, approximately three kilometers. Oil slick in the waters of the Great Barrier Reef, which area reached 300 thousand square meters, have been collected. However, the colossal damage ecosystem still occurred. Company owner faces a fine for polluting the reef at a rate of one million Australian dollars (920,000 U.S.

dollars). The next day another ship attempted to pass through conservation zone reefs. Attempting to marching under the Panamanian flag vessel 'Mimosa' shortest route through the Great Barrier Reef has cost the owners of the vessel a large fine. Many ships still try cut its own path and not bypass the Great Barrier Reef, threatening the unique ecosystem of the world. Bottling 50-60 tons of diesel fuel from the pipeline occurred last week in the coastal zone of the lagoon Pevek in Chukotka. Diesel fuel spilled onto the ice as the bay, and on the ground.

Later, experts said the spill was not 50-60 tonnes and 17-18. According to preliminary data, the spill will not make any negative consequences for the environment. Photofact week: 'The most powerful creatures on the planet' and 'Earth Hour 2010' Last week we introduced you to the top ten most powerful beings on the planet at a ratio of strength-weight. In our ranking of 'athletes' – animals (not only) that can lift more weight than their own in 1000! We also take a virtual tour of the cities of the world where environmental action was 'Earth Hour 2010'. In 2010, this rally organized by WWF, was attended by 126 countries in all continents and more than 4000 cities worldwide.

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