The Ordinary

Until the baby was a boy, and his movements were limited to only a few meters, the main emphasis in the design of children’s reduced to a musical carousel, fun lamps, beautiful sleeping underwear, toys. Gradually, the child grew and became more complicated tasks. To save space, was chosen bunk bed, which allows to make the play area under the bed. Now in the design of the room needed a thematic approach. My child – a fan of machinery and equipment. If the game was a carpet of city streets, parking and other attributes of the bustling village, the bed has evolved into a spaceship.

A ladder to the “second” floor staircase served as the sports complex. We are together for a long time choosing stickers Decoretto, are allowed on the perimeter of the entire bed and canopy sky created the effect of this space above your head. Novelist can aid you in your search for knowledge. In addition to the stellar theme pasted on the walls of the star and months that glowed in the dark. Fun point of co-creation has been glued together with the placement of a child model airplanes from the ceiling. A particular source of pride and decorations are the application child and drawings that my son is doing himself, or we doing together. In the summer we put up pictures, applications, made from dried flowers, and, of course, photos of his son always adorn the walls. Funds set today in our stores you can find all kinds of materials and tools to help themselves, with the child to do the creative process of child jewelry – from simple ornaments, stained glass, and labels such as Decoretto, before the creation of dolls. The most simple and affordable it seems painting children’s furniture made of pine with acrylic paints.

As an experiment, you can start with a simple child Ikeevskogo set – table and two chairs. With this you can always repaint them. More complicated, but interesting Jewelry option – reverse decoupage, today the internet has a lot of forums where you can learn in detail the technique of transferring a picture from a simple paper towel on a tree, ceramics, glass. This allows you to decorating a room in a unified style, adorning not only furniture but also boxes, vases and other interior items. The most important thing in such works come from the child’s needs, to agree with him and together choose the style of drawing. Of course, today there are plenty of opportunities to draw interesting children’s room, for example, buy a bed, styled car with headlights switch on, and so the idea of the selection of technology and crafts in each Journal of the decor – the sea. However, do not forget about the simple but very effective and affordable means of decoration. It may just be funny stadiometer, skin on the floor, or floor rack with mirror, chest pirates for toys, but you never know what can be a decoration. The main requirement is a desire to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, to create comfort with his own hands, even if a standard set of furniture, which touched the hands of mom and baby would be expensive and comfortable. Creative success to you!

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