Gifts From The Vladimir Region

Sometimes viewed photographs of the exotic beauty of the overseas countries and catch yourself on what you begin to envy those who see these views every day. But if you think that surround us place no less than perfect and in its own exotic – its bright, watercolor beauty of spring floods of the rivers, sunny colors camomile summer meadows, majestic temples, streamed into the sky golden dome. Enough to travel across the Vladimir region, not only to personally verify this, but also "to draw in their faith" friends and acquaintances. To a great extent "treatment" will promote and brought gifts, souvenirs and gifts which are generous and plentiful this region. Starting trip from any cities in the region, for example, with the oldest – Murom. The first mention of it historians date ix century. It is the home epic warrior Ilya of Murom, the monument which stands on the shore Oka. No, a monument to you home with no takes.

But Nightingale the Robber over which Ilya won, be sure to tack – albeit in the form of a fun toy whistles. Her voiced trills cause a lot of fun minutes for children. Here only presents a toy in the fresh air, and then a shrill whistle in the house of the parents the kids you do not praise you. And to appease the moms and dads little "Nightingale the Robber" buy a present yet another Muromsk pride – rolls. They are even on the arms of the city there! Which, incidentally, is not surprising: local rolls admired all Russian tsars from Peter the Great.

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