Tag Archives: politics


Perhaps the peak of the crisis was already in the past. But we are still waiting for hard times. These times in which to be, we should be together. Unfortunately, in recent years we have lost the capacity for unity … Continue reading

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Information Steles For Wall Deaths

Wall dead even in Lichtenrade – Berlin on the weekend before the big celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the wall the wall dead is thought on the former border at the gates of Berlin Lichtenrade. On … Continue reading

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The Little Censorship Of The SED/PDS/Die Linke.

The little censorship of the SED/PDS/Die Linke. In the small town of Biesenthal in the North of Berlin, a forum with the right and the obligation to be politically neutral, is operated on the town website. Now it has arisen, … Continue reading

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Caldwell Assyrians

This responsibility an about the silence! But I am even more surprised that the media not sufficiently report in public about it. It seems to me almost like a made from silence of in the media! Where is the awareness … Continue reading

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High Tax Load

Manuel Hachenburger several: individual candidate for the parliamentary elections 2009 the value added tax amounts to 19% for every taxable transaction, some turnovers are reduced by the tax and the rate amounts to 7%. The tax for food and magazines … Continue reading

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Sylvia Poth

If a person is disabled, this means not long, that he must behave, just because the company has this image. There is no reason to look down on the disabled and the chronically ill. They are like any other people … Continue reading

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The European Union South

They were mostly farmers Kazbegi procured in Suburb North Ossetia-Alania bees for pollination of vegetables in greenhouses. Is is coming next political metamorphosis, and in a relatively short period of time the owner Kazbegkskogo area will be the third state? … Continue reading

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Longing For Honest Quality

Consumer research: Sustainability is an increasingly important feature of quality avarice was awesome until about six years ago. Since then the quality awareness is rising. For 2013, consumer researchers such as for example Robert Kecskes of the FRP across see … Continue reading

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American Government

Government: “the look at SMS, which he sends. He is a security risk.” Given the tremendous possibilities of the national security agency, the worldwide electronic communications to monitor that Patriot Act still were multiplied by the United States, is hardly … Continue reading

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Federal Constitutional Court

I can see that only as open constitutional violation of the Government. The great fear of the Federal Government before the Federal Constitutional Court due to the Hartz IV rulesets for adults and children before the decision of the Federal … Continue reading

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