American Government

Government: “the look at SMS, which he sends. He is a security risk.” Given the tremendous possibilities of the national security agency, the worldwide electronic communications to monitor that Patriot Act still were multiplied by the United States, is hardly to be doubted that all electronic communications with this and these young Nigerians has immediately been monitored after such a note. The father should have informed also the passport number of his son US representatives (NCTC) was forwarded to the National Center for counter-terrorism. But neither the State Department nor the NCTC have checked whether the young Abdulmutallab had a valid US visa – what easily would have can be verified in internal government files – yet they took steps to revoke it. The Time magazine quoted “a source related to the family of the bombers” and wrote: “His parents were apparently worried by the alleged threat to bring an American plane crash and therefore warned the American Embassy.” This suggests that the United States were informed about the specific target of the attack a month earlier.

The magazine Newsweek reported that the terror Defense Chief of the Saudis, Muhammad bin Nayaf, put in the autumn in the White House about the special technology in the image Brennan, that the Northwest bombers should apply. He hid PETN explosives in his underwear. In the same way, a failed attack by al-Qaeda on Nayaf itself had been planned. Further, Newsweek reported that the NSA have overheard phone conversations between Abdulmutallab and Mohammed al-Awlaki, a born in the United States, radical Islamic cleric who now lives in the Yemen. This was in contact with major Nidal Malik Hasan, who carried out an attack on soldiers at Fort Hood Texas. At that time were thirteen people died. In a statement in November, Al-Awlaki predicted a “Christmas surprise” that the Yemen will become a major battleground for the fight against the United States.

As in the case of the attacks of September 11, no honest or critical explanation of what happened can be expected by the American Government or the media. This fact testifies to the additional hazard of democratic rights in the United States and the enormous danger that this is for the American people and the peoples of the world. P. M.

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