Browse Games Siberia

There are always two opposing views: one, that extension is always worse than the original version, and second, that the extension only supplements and enriches the storyline and gives her thoroughness and completeness. Siberia has brought a lot of fame and material benefits to the developers. All interested in what comes next is a favorite of the heroes of the game? And here we have a game Siberia 2. I recall the first part ended with the selection of Kate in the direction of travel to Hans. The second part begins with a conversation on the train.

Hans, Kate and Oscar go to the legendary island of Siberia, and no less than legendary live mammoth. Hans constantly sick and Kate will slow in its efforts to quickly get to a place of myths and tales. Immediately struck by the monotony of hotels to stay the train. If a part is rich in diverse landscapes of the station, conservatory, university town, there appears to our eyes the snow-covered taiga or tundra animated only monastery in the mountains and a small house near the river keeper. The game starts simple puzzles, but towards the end, when you think only about how to quickly finish the quest and watch the final, more complex (and not on wit, logic, and in memory).

Revitalizes dull journey just stealing the train, the village and mechanical yukola death of Oscar. Character Hans Vorarlberg worked out impossibly bad. Not only is he constantly ill, connected speech make him very hard, and care – so it is simply impossible. We can only guess, as he alone thought to get to their island. By the way, on the island, as you might imagine, to solve different codes and ciphers he also did not have. The most interesting part of the journey, perhaps, is the island itself Siberia. Ancient Runes, a huge pipe to bring the mammoth and unusual greens just pleasing to the eye. Management is the same as in Siberia and Sinking Island. Finale makes the heart beat faster and wrapped around the tears in tired, bloodshot from a long sitting at the monitor, his eyes a player. For the sake of the “strong” moments and want to play in the creation of Benoit Sokal. Mammoths take Hans into the country of his dreams, country for which he was born and who was born to like it. His life-long journey finally ended.

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