The Actions

Valley to say that, while the excessively professional professors and of the education will be sharing of the global and specific decisions of the school, assuming responsibility for this for these decisions and acting jointly to implement them, will be learning to act participativamente more good, establishing itself, of this form, the formation of the participativo citizen (Prais, 1990). … (p.66-67). … 2.43. Dimension technique On behalf of the historical conception – critical of the education, many professionals, when intending to detach the value of the dimension politics had denied the technique. When making it, however disqualifying it proper dimension politics, a time that both are complementary dimensions of one same reality if carries through reciprocal. …

Must be recognized, therefore, that without ability technique it is not possible to carry through any pedagogical project. The dimension technique is not an end in same itself, but it is basic for being to constitute I propagate in it for the reach of results. (p 68/69). … We can suggest that the adoption of a method consists in necessary mediating circumstance in this interrelation a time that the method consists of a clear conception of the reality, associated to the way to act to carry through it. (p.69). … Leaving of the beginning of that participation is conquest, as considered for Demon (1988). As well as of the recognition of that we are culturally not accustomed to participate in way I suffer, it competes to the pertaining to school managers opening space to guide this conquest, instead of if charging the participation for execution of the actions that already have been previously determined. To the professors, pupils and parents of pupils fit to perceive that they construct realid

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