
Every day we live deeply the chaos of the traffic of cars in So Paulo and some parts of the world. The city halls already are mobilized trying to implant ways to reduce the number of vehicles in the streets. But, we also have the aerial chaos, that it is the emitting greater of Co2 in the atmosphere. more: the population if agglomerates and the water if it depletes. After all, what it is happening? Because we inside agglomerate in them of a small space? It will be because we think ' ' micro' ' we forget that ' ' macro' ' it is that in the ones of and generates all the life form. The Industry of the Health can make very also for the health of the planet. We work to welfare generate for the people, to treat and to recoup the health of all human being. But and for our planet, what we are making? The Project ' ' This Idia&#039 plants; ' it was born with the idea to compensate all Co2 emitted for the teams of propagandist of pharmexx Brazil by means of the plantation of trees, but also with the objective to alert and to acquire knowledge that the Planet Land is in the UTI and that we of the Industry of the Health we can make very. We are responsible for the conservation of the nature, therefore we depend on it for the survival and the continuity of our businesses. Searching, thus, ways to compensate the nature and in gratefulness to all the resources and substance cousin who it supplies in them, we go mobilizing in them to save our Planet Land.

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