Yoga In Pregnancy

Relaxed go through the pregnancy thanks to yoga. Good news for pregnant Yoginis (so called the female adherents of Yoga).Thanks to its many positive influence on body and soul, yoga does well even during pregnancy. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Beacon Journal. Finally, it suggests that yoga represents a welcome support of oxygen supply and strengthening of the institutions due to its muscle-strengthening, spine relieving and relaxing effect, as well as by improving at this time, when the body in a special way is claimed and wife emotionally experienced an intensive phase. Also, it is an advantage to have learned to feel tension in the body and to relax individual muscle groups. And a woman can benefit from the targeted use of breathing as the pranayama teaches him, especially during the birth process. But that was not enough. In a new study, the prestigious Institute of Vivekananda Kendra found that Yoga exercises to reduce the risk of complications such as pregnancy-related high blood pressure. In addition Yoga during pregnancy not only for the expectant mother is a boon, but contributes also to the health of the maturing child.

The investigation, with 355 pregnant women participating in the Group practiced, rare early births occurred than those mentioned, the daily asanas, pranayama and meditation, and significantly fewer babies are underweight came on the world than in the group where no Yoga practices were made. As an explanation for these results, the researchers conducted, inter alia, a blood flow improved through Yoga to the placenta. That women who have practiced Yoga during the 20wochigen period, early onset of labor less occurred as the other participants, who walked instead of 30 minutes a day, lead the scientists on a favorable effect on hormone levels. To learn yoga, is not a matter for a weekend. But quite a few Spa Hotels offer yoga classes to try in this meditative world. Conclusion: On yoga woman should also during pregnancy does not give even the contrary.

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