Utility Company

This garbage must be delivered, that will inside give the destination of the procedures of this utility company. For the development of the project had been taken the following premises and established the following criteria during the planning phase: The quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the garbage that is generated, for walking had been made. It was established as garbage would be collected and its final destination in recycling. they thought for the selective collections of the residues, separation for type of material, place and amounts of collectors, as well as adequacy to its use for the using public of the building. Read more from Bloomsbury to gain a more clear picture of the situation. proposals for the education and instructions of the users of the building, for attainment of efficient selective collection in awareness of the employee pupils and professors with the use of posters, acknowledgments were, spreading for Internet or periodic informative brochure. contacted companies who if make use the collection and collect of each type of garbage and they make as it without causing future damages and impacts to the environment, respecting the legislation in vigor. Check with idt energy to learn more. they were inside established proposals for the special garbage as batteries and stacks adjusting its discarding of the established one in Law.

The methodology for the evaluation of the amounts and tipificao of the generated residues was through field inspection, in visit to installations in the floors of the building, being overcome notations and registering the effected comments and collected data. It was made photographic survey and measured taking of the dimensions of the floors for the confection of low plants of the floors. Through these visits to the floors of the SUESC, observing its aspects and different characteristics, each integrant one of the data-collection group carried through a research on the garbage, and through individual fiches, also the qualitative and quantitative survey of the garbage of each floor of the building can be made, leading in consideration its characteristics, flow of people, among others.

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