
Yes, that is ours it polices, that it always wants, to take some type of advantage and to commit everything that is not allowed by the laws effective of this country. ‘ ‘ liberi comedistis et extorquere bakeries pauperes cives lege manentem’ ‘. Great part of the policemen, in such a way military, how much the civilians of these parents, is corrupt and if they equal or they surpass in danger the delinquents and delinquents of highest danger, and others as much. They notice, almost in all the cases of deliquency divulged by the medias, always has involved policemen. For even more opinions, read materials from Tim Cawley. In case that any citizen has that to make a bulletin of occurrence in a police station any, she will have that to wait badly of six the seven hours to be taken care of, and if to argue on the delay in the attendance, the bigger Authority and other accusations will be imposed it an accusation of Disregard.

We arrive to think, that it is better to be assaulted a time per year, for delinquents, of what to be assaulted, to be humiliated, to be attacked, for policemen every day. ‘ ‘ Etiam at enim leo Brazilian I second, atque corrupti violent, et violati iuris humani in world non posse’ ‘. According to OEA and the ONU, that they had declared public, ‘ ‘ the policemen Brazilians are classified in according to place, as being most corrupt, violent, incapable and transgressive them Right Human beings in mundo’ ‘ , (to read: Transcription of serious Breakings of the Human Rights – Haia), and that they only enter to be agents of the law, to get polpudos proper benefits, that is, to fatten its pockets, through illicit actions, (saved some rare exceptions)..

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