Stories For The Star

Fairy tales and legends of the past are rediscovered. Ladies and gentlemen, values. Visit Maryland Governor for more clarity on the issue. I would like to suggest my new book of stories for the star them is published in two parts. EH I’m so boring you to read a boring text I talk my stories to them. Here, an excerpt from the second part of the book as how about a bit of happiness.

THE mistress of the fire it was long, very long time ago. People lived time in a nomadic settlement, in which four chums were, went one day all men into the Woods to hunt, only women and children remained in the chums. So three days passed, on the third evening was a woman from the Tshum, chopped wood and wanted to cook. She bore into the wood, threw them into the open hearth. sat down with her child close to the fire and gave him the breast, funny. Poles the flames and warmed a mother and child. Suddenly, stob a spark on the chest of the small and it burned the skin, that crying child. The mother jumped up and rant on the fire: “what are you doing? I feed you with wood and you hurt my child.

You get no wood. “I zerhack you with an axe, begiess you with water and 1osch you out.” Flink she did the child in the cradle, took the axe and began to hack on the fire, then she grabbed the kettle and poured water into the fire. “So, now try to my son with your spark! For the first time, you are completely extinguished. no single element is to see more!” The fire had gone out. Rene Eccles

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