La Mettrie

… Such systems can be shared by a group, a society and even of several cultures. Worldviews are partly socio-culturally determined (i.e. traditionsgebunden) and partly influenced by trans-cultural philosophischeoder religioseVorstellungen. u0085 The normative claim of a worldview can be considered absolute and exclusive understood; the term belief”includes also the possibility… that other views are possible.

Topics that can be covered by a belief in organic whole, concerning religion, often content and relationships between natural science, Philosophieund Policy and economy, nature and culture, tradition and morals. The term ideology is related. “Sometimes called worldview” a more holistic, less theoretically formulated views the world and the people. A strict distinction of terms of ideology”and belief” is not possible… I recommend this link readers: > philosophy tries to interpret the world and human existence and to understand. Of other Humanities it differs Sciences, it is not limited to a specific area or a specific methodology, but is characterized by the nature of their questions and their special approach to their diverse subject areas.

… the Western (also: Western) philosophy that originated in the 6th century BC in the ancient Greece,… with the Western philosophy in a varied related traditions of Jewish and Arabic philosophy as well as the independent originally from her traditions of African and Eastern philosophy. In ancient philosophy the systematic and scientific systemic-oriented Denken.Im unfolded the centuries which differentiated the different methods and disciplines of world development and the science directly or indirectly from the philosophy of the Teilauch as opposed to irrational or religious worldviews or myths. Core areas of philosophy are the logic (as the science of logical thinking), ethics (as the science of right action) and the meta Physics (as the science of the first reasons of being and reality). More basic disciplines are the knowledge and theory of science, dealing with the possibilities of the understanding in the General synthesis or specifically with the modes of knowledge of different Sciences Analysis. Demolition of Western thought diversity: ancestral > myths: good + evil, gods, spirits,… > nature (Presocratics) > Democritus (Atomisten, physics, matter) > fate > Zeno, Epicurus > Socrates (Word) > Plato (idea, soul) > Aristotle (logic, things) > Jews (font) Jesus > Mohammed Luther Lao Tzu > Confucius > Buddha > baroque of Descartes > Spinoza Locke Hume Beerkeley enlightenment Kant romance Hegel Kierkegaard Marx Darwin Freud… Source: to about 1500 began in Europe, the Renaissance (enlightenment, Reformation) and the establishment of the first universities, final separation of Church (believers) and State (people). The cultural development of large parts of the world of our rest unfinished however.

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