Correlation Colloquially

It is easy to imagine the coincidence as some meta physical (UN luck goddess). As something divine to the good (reward) or bad (punishment) of people. You spill salt, and tomorrow they will lose their money? (false causality) You rush to the car and have an accident! (genuine causality) You lose your handbag with! (genuine causality with the following correlation) The random is transitioning from a known starting situation, which permits multiple end situations, in any of these situations of end if causality is no apparent cause for the conclusion of just this final situation and also the other end situations can result in reruns of the same initial situation out. Correlation Colloquially, the term random is used when an event is not causally explained. The term random/spontaneity is heavy definable against the terms of unpredictability or unpredictability (see also predictability and predictability, respectively) and of which not always is distinguished. Evolution = spontaneous mutation (next stage of development: chicken I > egg I > chicken II), adaptation (synergy) and selection (survival, cooperation). A: the evolution theory (vs. creation theory) subordinate to the principle of random (probably): from the 6 Earth chemical elements (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur + oxygen) and the 4 natural earth energies (gravity, electro-magnetism, the weak + strong nuclear force) the complex Earth life has evolved: spontaneous people. B: the against-theory is the theory of creation: everything was and is the result of the arbitrariness of the gods! Scientifically we distinguish at the coincidence: in Physics: what processes are random fuzzy and chaos, which determined? maps in Psychology: why do people have expectations (and what) about what is going to happen? Why do they respond differently, example twins, in Sociology: how evolved the company? There is socio historical law -massigkeiten e? Growth (quantity) and development (quality) of vitalist (management) and mechanistic (Cybernetics) are caused due to certain logic patterns – predictable systems! Predictability refers to the degree to which a correct quantitative or qualitative prediction of the State of a system can be made.

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