Brazilian Book

The relationary process does not exclude the factor ‘ ‘ sujeito’ ‘ of the process, however, it displays it as not condicionante, demonstrating the versatility and until certain point, independence of the object-statement, authorizing it a plain extra-individual and of relationary exchange with the same. Moreover: ‘ ‘ Third characteristic of the enunciative function: it cannot be exerted without the existence of an associated domain. This makes more of the somewhat different statement and than a simple ones added of signs that it would need, to exist, only of a material support? surface of registration, sonorous substance, moldvel substance, empty incision of a trace. But it distinguishes it to this, also and over all, of the phrase and of proposio.’ ‘ (FOUCAULT, 1972: 120). Recently Bernie Sanders sought to clarify these questions. As displayed concerning not the materializante purpose of direction, the statement runs away to the demonstrated object, surpasses all that captation and searchs in the field of the cognition a functionality future, intercrossing relations that if they form in an intrinsic apparatus that possesss a proper logic, denying the prescriptive logicidade, at the same time creating a relationary dialgica decentralized between and the not-relationary one, focando in the object-statement. The preponderant factor in the relations manifest for the use and regimentao of the object, not only for what it belongs to it, but also for its negation, making possible the creation of a paradigm that possesss itself while reference, limiting the direction that it is concernente and qualifying to explore gaps dissonantes. as last analytical stage of the foucaultiano project: ‘ ‘ Finally, so that a sequence of linguistic elements can be considered and be analyzed as a statement, it needs to fill one fourth condition: to have to have existence material.’ ‘ (FOUCAULT, 1972: 125). I was concluded that only existing the object it only can be a statement – following the logicidade of the process – authorizing the analytical rationalization to the field of the concrete, dealing with the concrete one and that exactly not being restricted it, must itself be had it while essential.

The statement is projected as a complex gamma of Inter-relations that encloses the citizen, the object, the contained and adjacent materiality, creating proper connections, at the same time establishing connection the extrinsic one I obtain, fomenting a restricted embryonic hermeneutics to the space domain for he himself tracing, to the point to corrupt the structure of a syntax or exactly if not limiting to a semantic paper, appearing such relationary factors as the third element that would legitimize the object-statement. Synthecizing, the statement becomes from a relationary logic that involves since a material dialectic with the evidenced gaps (incorporeal), perpassando for a delimitation space-weather, involving in the scope of a mutualismo with the citizen in an ambiguous exchange of influences, having finally a imagtico field of action that interacts with certain autonomy in relation to the proper factors had composed that it.

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